springer | 論文
- Deterioration of wood-based boards subjected to outdoor exposure in Tsukuba
- CLINICAL INVESTIGATION : Discrepancy between optic disc and nerve fiber layer assessment and optical coherence tomography in detecting glaucomatous progression
- Dynamic wettability and curing characteristics of liquefied bark-modified phenol formaldehyde resin (BPF) on rice straw surfaces
- CLINICAL INVESTIGATION : Surgical outcomes of symmetric and asymmetric surgery for intermittent exotropia with postoperative large early overcorrection
- On constrained and regularized high-dimensional regression
- CLINICAL INVESTIGATION : Human immunodeficiency virus-related retinalmicroangiopathy and systemic cytomegalovirus disease association
- Significance of benzylic hydroxymethylene group in the reaction of lignin side-chain with active oxygen species under oxygen bleaching conditions
- Characterization of bagasse binderless particleboard manufactured in high-temperature range
- Investigation of a new natural adhesive composed of citric acid and sucrose for particleboard
- Excitation wavelength-specific changes in lignocellulosic autofluorescence
- Effect of nanoclay on some applied properties of oriented strand board (OSB) made from underutilized low quality paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) wood
- Electromyographic study of diabetic ocular neuropathy
- A variational problem for Affine Connections
- New Correlations of RC4 PRGA Using Nonzero-Bit Differences
- Simultaneous tests for equality of latent roots against certain alternatives-1-
- Simultaneous tests for equality of latent roots against certain alternatives-2-
- Constant-Work-Space Algorithm for a Shortest Path in a Simple Polygon
- The diversification of proto-cells driven by membrane permselectivity
- A Single-Step Characteristic-Curve Finite Element Scheme of Second Order in Time for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
- Fine structure of extraocular muscles with myasthenia gravis