Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine | 論文
- Possible Implication of Long - lived Non - dividing Metaphase Cells in the Fraction of Labeled Mitoses Method
- A Case of Pulmonary Silicosis Accompanied by Increase of Muscle Fibers in the Lung
- The Varicocele-Pathophysiology Based on Clinical and Experimental Studies
- Klinefelter's Syndrome and Testicular Teratoma
- Relationship between the Cerebral Metabolism, Blood Flow and Electroencephalogram during Anesthesia in the Dog
- Effects of Antihistaminic Drugs on the Cardiac Responses to Sympathetic Nerve Stimulation
- An outbreak of Acte Diarrheal Disease, Presumably of Viral Origin, Among Children of a Local school
- Acute hepatitis : Ⅱ. clinical studies of 99 cases in the latest epidemic
- Acute hepatitis : Ⅰ. a statistical analysis of 462 cases observed during the past ten years
- Supplentary Studies of the Saponin-Induced Colpnization of the Bone Marrow Elements in Rabbits
- Studies on albuminocholia : Ⅱ. the influence of mucoprotein on the determination of albuminocholia
- Cholangiocarcinoma with Metastasis to the Male Breast : Report of a Case with Autopsy Findings
- Infantile Hemangioendothelioma of the Liver in an Adult
- Studies on the Blood Type Determination of Human Hairs by Ultrasonic Waves : Report 1. Elution test of hairs by ultrasonic waves
- Studies on the Blood Type Determination of Human airs by Ultrasonic Waves Report 2. Mixed Agglutination Test of Hairs by Ultrasonic Waves
- The Standing Potential of the Eye in Vascular and Degenerative Disease of the Retina
- The Clinical Feature of Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Gastric Carcinoma
- A Simple and Safe Method of Inducing Therapeutic Angiogennesis by the Implantation of Autologaus Bone Marrow Cells.
- Cicatricial Stenosis of the Esophagus Due to Hydrochloric Acid Burns
- Studies on Dipeptidase