Wakayama Medical University | 論文
- Electron microscopic observation on the rat anterior pituitary during pregnancy,post-partum and lactation.
- Attack nf acute hepatitis in the hospitalized patients.
- Effects of single estrogen administration on spayed female rat pituitary;an electron microscopic observation.
- Hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory response to pains.
- Intraintestinal putrefaction in extraintestinal infection.
- Rapid destruction of submerged cadavers by tiny marine animals.
- Histochemical studies on acid hematein and performic acid-alcian blue-positive substances in the neurohypophysis of various vertebrates.
- Stereotaxic operation of superior colliculus as treatment of congenital nystagmus.
- Heterophasic stimulation as an artificial pacemaker to the heart with an organic A-V block.
- Role of superior colliculus playing in the mechanism of the optokinetic nystagmus.
- Electron microscopic studies of the estrogen-induced pituitary tumors.
- Staining of the thyroid gland with fluorescein conjugated antithyroglobulin;examination on the several sorts of fixatives and methods of preparing sections.
- The effect of E.coli toxin on the living organism.
- Prophylaxis of cow's milk allergy with pepsin and trypsin.