Tokyo University English Linguistics Association,東京大学英語学研究会,University of Tokyo | 論文
- A Note on Japanese Anaphoric R-expressions
- Some Thoughts on Feature-Inheritance and Case
- The Scope Relation between Quantifiers and Neg in Child Japanese : An Interim Report
- A Note on the Acquisition of Quantifier-Neg Interaction
- "Subject-Sensitivity" in Controller Choice
- On the Lexical Property of Coordinators
- The Acquisition of Contrastive Implicatures
- A Note on Preposition Pied-piping and Preposition Stranding in WH-exclamatives
- A Note on Island-sensitivity of Clefts and Sluicing in Japanese
- Relativization in Japanese and the Nature of Resumption
- On the Correlation between Scope Reconstruction and the Proper Binding Condition : Parametric Syntax on Scrambling in Japanese and German
- Economy and Scope : A Modification of Hornstein's A-movement Approach
- Remarks on Voice-bundling
- A Note on the Acquisition of Japanese Passives
- Remarks on Anaphoric Expressions
- Japanese V-aw Construction : A Preliminary Study
- Defective φ-features and Binding of Zibun in Non-argument Positions
- Adult and Child Interpretation of Japanese V-aw Construction : A Preliminary Study
- A Note on Restructuring Constructions in Japanese
- Remarks on Japanese-speaking Children's Interpretation of Negative Sentences Containing Quantifiers with Contrastive Wa