The Japanese Association of Benthology | 論文
- Measurement of Bioturbation Rate in Tube-Building Maldanid Worms(Polychaeta : Maldanidae) with a Video Observation System
- Effect of Rock-surface Topography and Tidal Height on the Distribution of Intertidal Fauna in a Highly Rugose Habitat
- Patterns of Emergence in Marine Invertebrates : On the Influence of a Field Light
- Genetic Differentiation among Populations of Japanese Freshwater Crab, Geothelphusa dehaani (White), With Reference to the Body Color Variation
- A Simple Corer Set inside an Ekman Grab to Sample Intact Sediments with the Overlying Water
- Vertical Distribution and Life Cycle of Two Isopod Crustaceans within Intertidal Mussel Beds
- Importance of Timing of Panel Initiation on the Competitive Relationship and Succession of Sessile Organisms ; Observations on Shaded Faces of Panels
- Growth-related Migration of the Intertidal Snail, Monodonta labio (Linne) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia), on a Rocky Shore of the Pacific Coast of Central Japan
- A New Record of Fabricinuda bikinii (Hartman) (Polychaeta : Sabellidae : Fabriciinae) from Okinawa, Japan
- Distribution of Intertidal Macrobenthos in 1993 around Hatakejima Island, Central Japan, Compared with 1969 and 1983-84
- Seasonal Migration and Activity of the Periwinkle, Nodilittorina radiata (Gastropoda : Littorinidae)
- First Find of Epigonichthys maldivensis (Cooper) and Rediscovery of E, lucayanus (Andrews) from Nanwan Bay, Southern Taiwan (Cephalochordata)
- Favorable Sediment Environments for Juveniles of the Brackish-Water Bivalve Corbicula japonica in Lake Abashiri
- 転石地潮間帯におけるフジツボパッチ内外の貝類群集組成の比較
- 日本人研究者によるベントス研究文献目録(1990)
- エネルギー分散型X線分析(EDX)によるメガベントスの消化管内容物分析手法の検討
- 海産自由生活性線虫類 Prochromadorella sp. と Spiliphera sp. (Chromadorida : Chromadoridae) の培養条件下での生活史
- 大槌湾潮下帯の粗砂底に生息するメイオベントス群集の季節変動 -特に線虫類を中心として-
- Distribution of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus undus in Relation to Marine Algal Zonation in the Rocky Coastal Area of the Oshika Peninsula, Northern Japan
- ミトコンドリアDNAを用いたクロフジツボ類の系統解析