Springer-Verlag Tokyo | 論文
- A novel H101Q mutation causes PKCγ loss in spinocerebellar ataxia type 14
- Paraoxonase 1 status in the Thai population
- Book Review: Ulrich H. Reichard, Christophe Boesch (eds): Monogamy: mating strategies and partnerships in birds, humans and other mammals--Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- Delayed Maturation in the Colonial Coral Goniastrea aspera(Scleractinia):Whole-Colony Mortality, Colony Growth and Polyp Egg Production
- R352Q mutation of the DHCR7 gene is common among Japanese Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome patients
- A host shift from wild blue cohosh to cultivated potato by the phytophagous ladybird beetle, Epilachna yasutomii (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
- Examination of morphological changes in the first formed protoxylem in Arabidopsis seedlings
- Dimorphic migration, growth, and fecundity in a seasonally split population of Littorina brevicula (Mollusca : Gastropoda) on a boulder shore
- Zooidogamy in the Late Permian genus Glossopteris
- Pollen-pistil relationships and pollen size-number trade-off in species of the tribe Lycieae (Solanaceae)
- Small within-clutch variance in spiderling body size as a mechanism for avoiding sibling cannibalism in the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata (Araneae : Lycosidae)
- ハエドクソウ(ハエドクソウ科)主茎の成長初期の温度傾性
- Differential Hypocotyl and Root Development of Arabidopsis Auxin-Insensitive Mutants
- Molecular insights into the origins of the Shompen, a declining population of the Nicobar archipelago
- When dose play panting occur during social play in wild chimpanzees?
- Textural characteristics of the iliac-femoral trabecular pattern in a bipedally trained Japanese macaque
- Muscle dimensions in the chimpanzee hand
- New dominant syndrome of microcephaly, facial abnormalities, micromelia, and mental retardation
- Consequences of refuge for the functional response of Dermestes ater (Coleoptera : Dermestidae) to Musca domestica (Diptera : Muscidae)
- Should aphids attract or repel ants? Effect of rival aphids and extrafloral nectaries on ant-aphid interactions