Springer-Verlag Tokyo | 論文
- Mutations in the NHLRC1 gene are the common cause for Lafora disease in the Japanese population
- Probing substrate-induced conformational alterations in adrenoleukodystrophy protein by proteolysis
- Detecting non-multiplicative genotype relative risks from transmissions of parental alleles to affected children
- The breeding system of wild red ruffed lemurs (Varecia rubra) : a preliminary report
- Seasonal cycles and persistence in an acarine predator-prey system on cassava in Africa
- Mitosis and mitotic wave propagation in the coenocytic alga, Vaucheria terrestris sensu Goetz
- Bicarbonate enhances synchronous division of the giant nuclei of sporophytes in Bryopsis plumosa
- Identification of single-nucleotide and repeat polymorphisms in two candidate genes, interleukin 4 receptor (IL4RA) and signal transducer and activator of transcription protein 6 (STAT6), for Th2-mediated diseases
- Whither Small Rodent Population Studies?
- A method for separation and determination of cytokinin nucleotide from plant tissues
- Association of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms with genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer : a meta-analysis
- Reconciliation and post-conflict third-party affiliation among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania
- Population Stability in Relation to Resource Availability in an Introduced Population of an Herbivorous Lady Beetle
- Reproductive mode of the geographic parthenogenetic mayfly Ephoron shigae, with findings from some new localities (Insecta : Ephemeroptera, Polymitarcyidae)
- Transformation using (x+0.5) to stabilize the variance of populations
- Stabilization Effects of Spatial Aggregation of Vectors in Plant Disease Systems
- Effects of plant density on the survival rate of cabbage pests
- Genetic encapsulation among Near Eastern populations
- Dispersal distance of heterogeneous populations
- Ecosystem evolution of Lake Gusinoe (Transbaikal region, Russia)