Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University | 論文
- TEKUNOKURÂTO TO KAKUMEI KENRYOKU: SOVIETO GIJUTSU SEISAKU SHI, 1917-1929 [Technocrats and Revolutionary Power: A History of Technological Policy in the Soviet Union, 1917-1929]. By Takeshi Nakashima. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1999. xi+412+29 pp.
- Youth Attitudes Towards Stalin's Revolution and the Stalinist Regime, 1929-41
- Traditions and the Informal Economy in Uzbekistan : A Case Study of Gaps in the Andijan Region
- Professionals or Bureaucrats? : Pedagogues and the State during Russia's Great Reforms
- The Diyanet of Turkey and Its Activities in Eurasia after the Cold War
- From "Bulgharism" through "Marrism" to Nationalist Myths : Discourses on the Tatar, the Chuvash and the Bashkir Ethnogenesis
- Ruh or Spirits of the Deceased as Mediators in Islamic Belief : The Case of a Town in Uzbekistan
- The Russian Energy Outlook and Its Influence on East Asia
- Image of Empire and Asia in the Contemporary Science Fictions of Russia
- Постсоветская политическая система в России (возникновение, эволюция и перспективы трансформации)
- Последние русско-японские переговоры перед войной 1904-1905 гг. (взгляд из России)
- Molding the Muslim Community through the Tsarist Administration : Mahalla under the Jurisdiction of the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly after 1905
- Письменная практика на уйльтинском языке - Продолжение
- The Melancholy of Gender
- Sakhalin's Governors and the South Kuril Islands : Motivating Factors Behind Involvement in the Russo-Japanese Territorial Dispute
- К вопросу о порядке слов в атрибутивных словосочетаниях в русском языке конца XVII в. (на основе анализа редакций «Жития протопопа Аввакума»)
- Housing Partnerships, ZhAKTy, or Housing Trusts? : A Study of Moscow's Housing Management System, 1917-1937
- Education and Diasporic Language : The Case of Koreans in Kazakhstan
- Борьба с памятниками и памятью в постсоветском пространстве (на примере Армении)
- Ирония и сатира в русской литературе XX века (забытые имена)