Public Library of Science | 論文
- Bayesian calibration of simultaneity in audiovisual temporal order judgments
- Integrative Annotation of 21,037 Human Genes Validated by Full-Length cDNA Clones
- Differential metabolisms of green leaf volatiles in injured and intact parts of a wounded leaf meet distinct ecophysiological requirements
- Intracellular Calcium Spikes in Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neurons Induced by BAPTA-Based Calcium Dyes
- Involvement of Lgl and Mahjong/VprBP in Cell Competition
- Hypersensitive response-like reaction is associated with hybrid necrosis in interspecific crosses between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii coss
- Differentiation of Insulin-Producing Cells from Human Neural Progenitor Cells
- Effects of Active Conductance Distribution over Dendrites on the Synaptic Integration in an Identified Nonspiking Interneuron
- Cardiac Arrest during Gamete Release in Chum Salmon Regulated by the Parasympathetic Nerve System
- Can Ethograms Be Automatically Generated Using Body Acceleration Data from Free-Ranging Birds?
- Molecular Mapping of Movement-Associated Areas in the Avian Brain : A Motor Theory for Vocal Learning Origin
- Soldier-Specific Modification of the Mandibular Motor Neurons in Termites