Plankton Society of Japan | 論文
- Effects of salinity on survival, and embryonic and postembryonic development of Eurytemora affinis from a freshwater lake
- Effect of high population density on growth and reproduction of Daphnia pulex DeGeer
- Seasonal abundance of resting spores and vegetative cells of Chaetoceros diatoms in Funka Bay, southern Hokkaido, Japan
- Cnidarians and ctenophores observed from the manned submersible Shinkai 2000 in the midwater of Sagami Bay, Pacific coast of Japan
- Efficient capture of deep - sea hyperbenthic calanoid copepods with baited traps
- First record of the occurrence of an ellobiopsid Thalassomyces marsupii Kane on a new host of hyperiid amphipod in Japanese waters
- A new species of Heteromysis (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) from Japan
- Bacterial abundance and production and their relation to primary production in Funka Bay
- Life history strategies of subarctic copepods Neocalanus flemingeri and N. plumchrus, especially concerning lipid accumulation patterns
- Surface distribution and abundance of small-sized phytoplankton in the western and central subarctic North Pacific and the Bering Sea in winter
- Supplementary information on the taxonomy and distribution of six species of Anisomysis (Crustacea: Mysidacea: Mysidae)
- Population development of the red tide dinoflagellate Gymnodinium mikimotoi in inshore waters of Japan
- New apparatuses for cultivation of appendicularians
- Oodinium inlandicum sp. nov. (Blastodiniales, Dinophyta), a new ectoparasitic dinoflagellate infecting a chaetognath, Sagitta crassa
- New species of Tortanus (Copepoda; Calanoida) from stomach contents of chum salmon juveniles collected from the Sea of Japan
- Production, metabolism and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of Metridia pacifica (Crustacea; Copepoda) in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea
- Influence of iron chelation with organic ligands on the growth of red tide phytoplankton
- Hyperacanthomysis, a new genus for Acanthomysis longirostris li, 1936, and A. brevirostris Wang & Liu, 1997 (Crustacea: Mysidacea: Mysidae)
- Initial site of Gymnodinium mikimotoi blooms in relation to the seawater exchange rate in Gokasho Bay, Japan
- Grazing impact of the field ciliate assemblage on a bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama