Physical Society of Japan | 論文
- Massless Electrons on Hexagonal Dangling Bond Network on Hydrogen Deposited Diamond (111) and Si(111) Surfaces
- $\alpha$-Ag2S as a Mixed Conductor
- Manifold Correction Method for the Nose-Hoover and Nose-Poincare Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Possible Evolution of Antiferromagnetism in Zn-Doped Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn₅
- Magnetic Properties of Liquid 3d Transition Metal-Au Alloys
- Kondo Effect of a Vibrating Magnetic Impurity
- Pressure-Controlled Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Carbon Nanotubes
- The Shift of the Spin Flip Temperature of $\alpha$-Fe2O3 Fine Particles
- Pairing Symmetry Transitions in the Even-Denominator FQHE System
- Modelling of Density Limit Phenomena in Toroidal Helical Plasmas
- Dynamics of Turing Pattern under Time-Delayed Feedback
- Precise Study of Vortex Structures in Nb by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
- Emptiness Formation Probability for the One-Dimensional Isotropic XY Model
- Long Vector Solitary Waves in a Dielectric Medium
- Ground-State Phase Diagram of S=2 Heisenberg Chains with Alternating Single-Site Anisotropy
- Magnetization process of the S=1 and 1/2 uniform and distorted kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnets
- Local Stability of Two-Dimensional Steady Irrotational Solenoidal Flows with Closed Streamlines
- Diagnostics of an O₂-He RF Atmospheric Plasma Discharge by Spectral Emission
- Switching of Conducting Planes by Partial Dimer Formation in IrTe₂
- Electronic State of CeFe₄As₁₂ Investigated by Using Single Crystals Grown under High Pressure of 4 GPa