- Drag Coefficient of a Raftlike Domain Embedded in a Fluid Membrane Being a Near-Critical Binary Mixture
- Generation of Multiple Dirac Cones in Graphene under Double-Periodic and Quasiperiodic Potentials
- Spin-Charge Coupling in the Molecular Conductor (DIETSe)₂FeBr₄
- Temperature Dependence of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Frequencies of 121Sb, 123Sb and 35Cl in Solid Antimony Trichloride
- Competing Magnetic Anisotropy Fields and Double Polarization Flops in Multiferroic Mn₁₋xCo[x]WO₄
- Exponential Tail in the Luminescence Spectrum from Electron-Hole Liquid and Electron-Hole Plasma in Diamond
- Experimental Determination of the Evolution Equation for Thermally Induced Acoustic Oscillations
- Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependent Yb Valence in YbRh₂Si₂ Observed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- Quantum Dot Spin Filter in Resonant Tunneling and Kondo Regimes
- Penetration of a Magnetic Wall into Thin Ferromagnetic Electrodes of a Nano-Contact Spin Valve
- A List Referring Monte-Carlo Method for Lattice Glass Models
- (2+1) Dimensional Soliton Equations Covariant with respect to the Binary Darboux Transformation
- Mean-Field Analysis of Electric Field Effect on Charge Orders in Organic Conductors
- In-Plane Anisotropy of Flux-Flow Resistivity in Layered Organic Superconductor λ-(BETS)₂GaCl₄
- Measurement of Energy Relaxation in Quantum Hall Edge States Utilizing Quantum Point Contacts
- Superconductivity in Vacuum Annealed Bi₆O₈S₅
- Discontinuous Growth of Solid ⁴He on Graphene
- Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of π-d System κ-(BDH-TTP)₂FeBr₄
- Coexistence of Ising and XY Spin Systems on a Single Tb Atom in TbCoGa₅
- Dual Structure of Low-Energy Spin Fluctuations in La₁.₈₀Sr₀.₁₄Ce₀.₀₆CuO₄