- Strong-Coupling Approach to Antiferromagnetic Ordering Driven by Paramagnetic Pair-Breaking in d-Wave Superconducting Phase
- Spin-Glass Transition and Giant Paramagnetism in Heavily Hole-Doped Bi₂Sr₂Co₂Oy
- Is Fermi-Surface Nesting the Origin of Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides?: A Fluctuation–Exchange-Approximation Study
- Commensurate-Incommensurate Transition Perpendicular to Chains in Quasi-One-Dimensional Quarter-Filled SDW State
- Anisotropy of Effective Electron Mass in Gallium Phosphide
- Magnetism and Superconductivity in LnRh₂Sn₂ (Ln=La, Ce) (Proceedings of International Workshop on Heavy Fermions : TOKIMEKI 2011)
- Observation of Accumulated Metal Cation Distribution in Fish by Novel Stigmatic Imaging Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
- Ergodic-Nonergodic Transition Induced by Non-Gaussian Noise
- Simple Model of Splitting Instability in Swollen Membranes
- Effect of K-Dopant on the Electro-Magnetic Behaviors in Cu₁_xKxIr₂S₄
- Spontaneous Fermi Surface Deformation in the Three-Band Hubbard Model : A Variational Monte Carlo Study
- First-Principles Local-Density Approximation Study of Electronic Structure in CeCoSi2
- Pseudo-Band-Structure of Disordered Lateral Superlattice in Magnetic Field
- Dynamic Mechanism of Single-Stranded DNA Encapsulated into Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes : A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
- Effective Disappearance of the Meissner Signal in the Cuprate Superconductor YBa₂Cu₄O₈ under Uniaxial Strain
- Coexistence of Competitive Species on Lattice under Periodical Disturbance : Crucial Effects of Local Interaction
- Scissors Mode of Trapped Dipolar Gases
- Phenomenological Theory of the 3 Kelvin Phase in Sr2RuO4
- Ultrasonic Absorption by Ice Crystals in Supercooled Water
- Energy Transfer to Heavy Ions by Nonlinear Evolution of Current-Driven Instabilities in a Multi-Ion-Species Plasma