Osaka Medical College | 論文
- A case of carcinoma of the pancreas,with reference to the necessity of en bloc portal resection.
- Intravasculare Antigen-Antikorperreaktion in verschiedenen Organen.
- Studies on arginine and other guanido derivatives,16.
- Experimental studies on the effects of Persantin with normal and GO-dogs.
- Experimental studis on the effects of Persantin with normal and GO-dogs.
- An experimental study on the mechanism of cardiopneumonopexy for coronary insufficiency.
- A comparative study of nine operative procedures designed to increase the blood supply of the myocardium.
- An experimental study on the ligation of pulmonary artery or vein.
- Experimental studies on the influence of pulmonary surgery on gastric movement.
- On the significance of the anoxemia test prior to pulmonary surgery.
- Effect on the myocardium of interruption of coronary blood flow under normo-and hypothermia.
- The plastic resin cast as a method for investigating the intercoronary collateral anastomosis.
- Application of catheter duodenostomy during Billroth II type gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer.
- Application of catheter duodenostomy during Billroth 2 type gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer.
- Splenocaval shunting for portal hypertension.
- Paper electrophoretic studies on serum proteins in the diseases of the digestive system,with particular reference to the changes in serum proteins in the patients with cancer.
- Studies on the antigen-antibody reaction in the kidney,4.
- Rheological studies of the Shwartzman reaction.
- Beitrag zur Physiologie des optokinetischen Nachnystagmus.