Optical Society of America | 論文
- Optoelectronic parallel-matching architecture : architecture description, performance estimation, and prototype demonstration
- Delivery of F2-excimer laser light by aluminum hollow fibers
- Calculation method of reflectance distributions for computer-generated holograms using the finite-difference time-domain method
- Optical levitation and translation of a microscopic particle by use of multiple beams generated by vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser array sources
- Optical fractal synthesizer : concept and experimental verification
- Programming of optical array logic. 2 : Numerical data processing based on pattern logic
- Flow visualization of Bénard convection using holographic interferometry
- Stream cipher based on pseudorandom number generation with optical affine transformation
- Iterative processing on hybrid optical parallel array logic system with selectable coherent correlator
- Optical logic array processor using shadowgrams
- Inference engine for expert system using optical array logic
- OPALS : optical parallel array logic system
- Discrete correlation processor as a building core of a digital optical computing system : architecture and optoelectronic embodiment
- Visual-area coding technique (VACT) : optical parallel implementation of fuzzy logic and its visualization with the digital-halftoning process
- Local variable logic operation using birefringent optical elements
- Optical parallel array logic system. 2 : A new system architecture without memory elements
- Modular components for an optical array logic system
- Visualization of ultrasonic wave fronts using holographic interferometry
- Gray-image processing using optical array logic
- Fabrication and characterization of freestanding circular GaN grating