National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health | 論文
- Hazardous Workplace Review Program in Taiwan
- Risk Factors for Work-related Injuries among University Student Employees
- Ultraviolet Action Spectrum for Cell Killing in a Human Lens Epithelial Cell Line
- Heat Stress Standard ISO 7243 and its Global Application (Special Issue: Heat Stress at Work: Preventive Research)
- Health, safety and environmental risk of a gas pipeline in an oil exploring area of Gachsaran
- Estimation of the prevalence of latent abnormalities in the lung and the accuracy of indirect chest X-ray examination among Japanese workers of different age groups
- Heat Stress Standard for Hot Work Environments in Japan
- Country Report : The Current Status and the Future of Occupational Safety and Health in Korea (Occupational Safety and Health in the World : Now and the Future)
- Minnesota nurses' study: perceptions of violence and the work environment
- The influence of particle size and composition on the quantification of airborne quartz analysis on filter paper
- Effects of a Stress Management Program for Hospital Staffs on Their Coping Strategies and Interpersonal Behaviors
- Severe hypersensitivity dermatitis and liver dysfunction induced by occupational exposure to trichloroethylene
- Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Translated Version of the Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire
- Country Report : Systematic Strategies for the Third Industrial Accident Prevention Plan in Korea
- Biomechanical gait analysis for the extraction of slip resistance test parameters
- A Field Evaluation Method for Assessing Whole Body Biomechanical Joint Stress in Manual Lifting Tasks
- Editorial: Global qualitative risk management (control banding) activities
- Associations of Long-term Shift Work with Waking Salivary Cortisol Concentration and Patterns among Police Officers
- Country Report : Occupational Safety and Health in Europe : Lessons from the Past, Challenges and Opportunities for the Future (Occupational Safety and Health in the World : Now and the Future)
- Descriptive Study of External Employee Assistance Program Providers (EAP) in Japan