Nagoya University School of Medicine | 論文
- Rapid Corticotropin Test with 1-24 Peptide
- The Outcome of Head Injuries: The Saudi Experience
- Movement Study Following Anterior Cervical Decompression without Fusion
- Tissue-Engineering Bone from Omentum
- Drug-Induced Dyskinesia : An Electrophysiological Analysis of Dyskinesia Induced by L-Dopa and Anticholinergic Drugs
- Changes in Intracellular Taurine Content of Human Leukemic Cells
- Canine Pancreatic Allotransplantation with Duodenum (Pancreaticoduodenal Transplantation) Using Cyclosporin A
- The Histochemistry of Hyaluronic Acid and Related Mucosaccharides in the Cerebral and Other Arteries of the Dog
- Study on Role of Reticuloendothelial System in Metabolic Regulation
- Glucose and Insulin Metabolism in Patients with Hyperthyroidism Due to Graves' Disease
- Studies on β-Glucuronidase and DNA Synthesis Activities in the Bladder Tumors
- Closed Intramedullary Nailing for Femoral and Tibial Shaft Fractures
- Obstructive Shadow of Ribs Imaged on the Axial Transverse Tomogram of the Chest
- The Mitochondrial Respiratory Control and Oxidative Phosphorylation of Ethanol Fed Rats
- Studies on the Diabetic State of Rats Fed a High Fat Diet for 400 Days : A Postulated Mechanism of Disturbed Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Studies on the Dietary Factors Imparing Carbohydrate Metabolism of Rats
- A Study on Hormone Dependency of Breast Cancer
- A New Method for Direct and Continuous Recording of the Brain Tension and the Cerebral Plethysmograph
- Uncoupling Effect of Tolbutamide on Oxidative Phosphorylation of Liver Mitochondria
- Clinical and Biochemical Study of Accidents in Peridurography