Nagoya University School of Medicine | 論文
- Intraluminal Content is Required for the Maintenance of Antigrade Proluminal Movement of 3H-Androgens into Rat Caput Epididymal Tubules
- Experimental Study on Sodium and Potassium Concentration Gradient and Na-K Dependent Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the Kidney : Part II. On Na-K Dependent Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the Kidney Undergoing Diuresis and Antidiuresis
- Production of Collagenase Inhibitor by Mouse Calvaria in Tissue Culture
- Effect of Glutathione on Radioactivity and Antibacterial Activity of 14C-Bleomycin in Organs
- The Distribution of Red Cell Acid Phosphatase Types in Aichi Prefecture
- Experimental Study on Sodium and Potassium Concentration Gradient and Na-K Dependent Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the Rabbit Kidney : Part I. On Sodium and Potassium Concentration Gradient in the Kidney Undergoing Diuresis and Antidiuresis
- Immunoelectrophoresis Versus Electrophoresis in Study of Dysgammaglobolinemia
- Viral Pathogenesis: Mechanism of Acute and Persistent Infections with Paramyxoviruses
- Clinical Evaluation of Reversed Dermis Graft for Reconstruction of Oral Mucosa
- Threshold for Penicillin Induced Seizure in Hippocampal Slice
- 45Ca Kinetic Study in Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction
- Studies on Adenyl Cyclase System in Myocardium (Part II) Adenyl Cyclase System in Myocardial Infraction of Dogs
- Studies on Adenyl Cyclase System in Myocardium (Part I) Adenyl Cyclase System in the Hypertrophied and Failing Rabbit Hearts
- Comparative Studies on the Transduction Mechanisms and its Controls in Mechanoreceptors
- Potential Deflections at the Terminal of the Frog Muscle Spindle During Stretch
- Study on the Sensitivity Test of Carcinostatic Agents by Acid Phosphatase Activity
- Biosynthesis of Various Steroids in vitro by Isolated Adrenal Cells in Primary Aldosteronism, Cushing's Syndrome, and Adrenogenital Syndrome due to Adrenocortical Adenoma
- Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Coronary Artery Embolization in Dogs
- Electron Microscopic Investigation of the Regenerating Hepatic Cells of the Senile Rat