NPG Nature Asia-Pacific | 論文
- An agar diffusion method for evaluation of antimycoplasma substances
- Maridomycin,a new macrolide antibiotic-2-Isolation and characterization
- Antibiotics from Mycoplasma-1-Acholeplasma laidlawii B(Notes)
- 3-Hydroxy-4-methylkynurenine as an intermediate in actinomycin biosynthesis
- Properties of glycosides of neamine,kanamycin A and gentamicin C1
- An improved screening method for antiphage antibiotics and isolation of sarkomycin and its relatives(Note)
- 7-(α-Aminophenylacetamido)-3-azidomethyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid (Notes)
- Dextrochrysin,a new antibiotic
- Chemistry of bleomycin-12-Iso-bleomycin A2,a product of carbamoyl group migration(Communications to the editor)
- Sulfomycins,a series of new sulfur-containing antibiotics-1-Isolation,purification and properties
- Antibiotic YC 73 of pseudomonas origin-1-Production,isolation and properties
- Antibiotic YC 73 of pseudomonas origin-2-Structure and synthesis of thioformin and its cupric complex(YC 73)
- Isolation of rifamycin SV from a mutant Streptomyces mediterranei strain(Communication to the editors)
- Quantitative binding of 14C-erythromycin A to E.coli ribosomes(Notes)
- The configuration of stendomycidine
- A new polyene antibiotic,flavomycin.Structural investigations-1-
- Isolation and characterization of NRCS-15,a new iron-containing antibiotic
- Streptomyces sclerogranulatus sp.nov.,the producer of sclerothricin
- Some chemical and biological characteristics of showdomycin
- 3"-Phosphoryldihydrostreptomycin produced by the inactivating enzyme of Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Communications to the editor)