NHK放送科学基礎研究所 | 論文
- Magneto-Optic Disk Storage
- Observation of a Strong Infrared Magneto-Optical Effect in a Pyrite Type Ferromagnet CoS2
- Dynamical Theory of a Quenched Site Model of a Spin-Glass
- Observation of Adiabatic Spin Reorientation in ErCrO3
- アナウンサ-音声の音響的特徴
- 心理的オクタ-ブは物理的オクタ-ブよりなぜ広がるか?〔英文〕
- 網膜神経節細胞の機能と形能〔英文〕
- Luminescence of Excitonic Molecule in ZnO
- Charge Transfer Type Luminescence of Yb3+ Ions in RPO4 and R2O2S(R=Y,La and Lu)
- Charge-Transfer Type Luminescence of Yb3+ Ions in LuPO4 and YPO4
- Cooperative Optical Transitions of Yb3+-Yb3+ and Gd3+-Yb3+ Ion Pairs in YbPO4 Hosts
- Disaccommodation of Amorphous Magnetic Alloy Fe5Co70Si10B15
- Theory and Experiments on the Photoacoustic Effect in Double-Layer Solids
- 奥行き信号分離(NS)式立体画像装置と両眼立体視特性の測定
- Analog-to-digital converter--a new type using an electrooptic light modulator
- Analog-to-Digital Converter Using Electro-Optic Light Modulators
- High-Speed Gray-Binary and Binary-Gray Code Convertors Using Electro-Optic Light Modulators
- Psychophysical Analysis of the "Sensation of Reality" Induced by a Visual Wide-Field Display
- Magnetization Induced by Optical Pumping in ErCrO3
- Limitation of the observable surface acoustic wave amplitude in frequency-shift horography