Mount Hakkoda Botanical Laboratory, Tohoku University | 論文
- The vegetational change in the Suiren-Numa Mire during the last half century caused by human disturbances
- Pollen analysis of forest soils from Mt.Kuishi and distribution pattern of pollen grains in soil profiles
- Pollen analysis of soils from two locations in the subalpine zone in the Hakkoda Mountains
- Annual and seasonal changes of soil chemical properties in the four year period after a fire in Rifu,Japan
- 種子発芽と土壌水分の関係〔英文〕
- 貯蔵中のナラ類種子の発芽と含水量〔英文〕
- Relation of Micro-Scale Landform to Succession after Forest Fire
- A DCA analysis of floristic variation of plant communities in relation to micro-landform variation in a hillside area
- Vegetational recovery in the four year period following a forest fire in Rifu,Japan
- An analysis of the relationships of climate and vegetation in the Tohoku district
- Differences in Shoot Form and Age of Aucuba japonica Thunb Corresponding to the Micro-Landforms on a Hill Slope
- Daily fluctuation of water content of forest litter regarded as fuel for forest fires
- Aboveground Phytomass of Post Fire Vegetation in the Second Year at Three Locations of Honshu Island,Japan
- The heat effect on seed germination of some species in the initial stage of a post-fire vegetation
- First Year Vegetation Recovery after a Moor Fire in the Hakkoda Mountains of Northeastern Japan
- 川渡草地の大型多年生草本群落〔英文〕
- 東北大学理学部附属植物園における生態学的研究-1-植生の現状〔英文〕
- 八甲田山の草原のアリ群集の生態学的研究〔英文〕-1-
- 八甲田山の草原のアリ群集の生態学的研究-1-
- 邑知潟プランクトンの研究