Mammalogical Society of Japan | 論文
- Age variation of the third upper molar in Eothenomys smithii
- Induced estrus in female small Asian mongooses (Herpestes javanicus) for the purpose of controlling invasive alien species in Okinawa Island
- Mixed distribution of Mogera imaizumii and Mogera wogura in the Tedori Alluvial Fan in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
- Past and present distribution of the hairy-nosed otter Lutra sumatrana Gray 1865
- Detecting nesting trees of Siberian flying squirreles (Pteromys volans) using their feces
- Phylogenetics of Petaurista in light of specimens collected from northern Vietnam
- Distribution patterns of five mammals in the Jomon period, middle Edo period, and the present, in the Japanese archipelago
- Water Requirement Estimated from the Renal Structure and Stomach contents in Rattus losea and Bandicota indica
- Seasonal distribution of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Japanese waters inferred from stranding and bycatch records
- Phylogeography of the root vole Microtus oeconomus in Russian Far East : A special reference to comparison between Holarctic and Palaearctic voles
- A note on the genetic status of the dark red-backed vole, Myodes rex, in Hokkaido, Japan
- Genetic diversity within the Japanese badgers (Meles anakuma), as revealed by microsatellite analysis
- Morphological variation, and latitudinal and altitudinal distribution of Eothenomys chinensis, E. wardi, E. custos, E. proditor, and E. olitor (Rodentia, Arvicolidae) in China
- Latrine use in a low density Japanese badger (Meles anakuma) population determined by a continuous tracking system
- The effects of age, body weight and reproductive status on conception dates and gestation periods in captive sika deer
- Depredation of concentrated feed by wild mammals at a stock farm in Japan
- Prey size reconstruction based on myctophid otoliths in scats of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus)
- Seasonal change in the diet composition of the Asian parti-coloured bat Vespertilio sinensis
- Rumen contents of the sika deer in Wakayama Prefecture, southern Honshu: a new demonstration of latitudinal variations of the food habits
- Age and sexual variations of the cranial characters in the least horseshoe bat,Rhinolophus cornutus Temminck