Keio University | 論文
- Arterial distribution of the submandibular lymph nodes in the crab-eating monkey
- The M.temporalis of the Formosan monkey
- Effects of salivary gland hormone administration on the anterior pituitary of the immature mouse.
- Effects of salivary gland hormone admistration on the anterior pituitary of the immature mouse.
- The M.masseter of the Formosan monkey
- Histochemical studies of mucus-secreting cells in the gut of a coral fish,Chelmon rostratus Cuvier
- A method of deencephalon in the fetal rat
- On the subcutaneous veins of the chest and abdomen of Macacus cyclopsis.
- Electron microscopic study of the human trophoblast in culture
- Studies on the morphology,histology and the swallowing mechanism of the digestive tract of a carnivorous fish,Xenentodon cancila(Ham.)
- Studies on the functional morphology and anatomy of the central nervous system of Xenentodon cancila(Ham.)including its histology-1-The brain
- The arterial system of the spinal cord in the rat
- The ultrastructure of the odontoblasts in thyroidectomized rats and thyroxine-treated-thyroidectomized rats
- Sensory innervation and intrafusal muscle fibers in tandem muscle spindles of semitendinosus muscle with reference to single type spindles in the frog
- Stereological studies on several ducts and vessels by injection method of acrylic resin-26-Arterial distribution of the parotid gland in some mammals
- Fine structure of the leaf-like receptor in the frog sartorius muscle
- On the nutrient arterial branches of the mandibular ramus in the dog by t he plastic injection method
- Electron microscopic study on cholinesterase at the neuromuscular junction
- Ultrastructural changes in the parathyroid gland of the rabbit following EDTA(Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid)injection
- Studies on the primitive lymphatic apparatus in the blood vascular system of the lungs of Macaca cyclopis