Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists | 論文
- Phytochrome-Regulated PIL1 Derepression is Developmentally Modulated
- Reversal by Green Light of Blue Light-stimulated Stomatal Opening in Intact, Attached Leaves of Arabidopsis Operates Only in the Potassium-dependent, Morning Phase of Movement
- Protein Phosphorylation in Pea Root Plastids
- The Fiber Specificity of the Cotton FSltp4 Gene Promoter is Regulated by an AT-Rich Promoter Region and the AT-Hook Transcription Factor GhAT1
- Subcellular Localization of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Oxidase in Apple Fruit
- Phospholipase D Signaling Regulates Microtubule Organization in the Fucoid Alga Silvetia compressa
- Expression of Exogenous Genes Under the Control of Endogenous HSP70 and CAB Promoters in the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex
- Arabidopsis CAMTA Family Proteins Enhance V-PPase Expression in Pollen
- Blue Light-Induced Branching in Vaucheria. Requirement of Nuclear Accumulation in the Irradiated Region
- Context Analysis of Termination Codons in mRNA that are Recognized by Plant NMD
- A Grape Berry (Vitis vinifera L.) Cation/Proton Antiporter is Associated with Berry Ripening
- Biosynthesis of Sterols and Triterpenes in Cell Suspension Cultures of Uncaria tomentosa
- HCF208, a Homolog of Chlamydomonas CCB2, is Required for Accumulation of Native Cytochrome b_6 in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Onion Root Water Transport Sensitive to Water Channel and K^+ Channel Inhibitors
- Analysis of Cytosolic Heteroglycans from Leaves of Transgenic Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Plants that Under- or Overexpress the Pho 2 Phosphorylase Isozyme
- Biochemical Bases for a Widespread Tolerance of Cyanobacteria to the Phosphonate Herbicide Glyphosate
- Mitochondrial Localization of AtOXA1, an Arabidopsis Homologue of Yeast Oxa1p Involved in the Insertion and Assembly of Protein Complexes in Mitochondrial Inner Membrane
- Gene Expression of ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase and Starch Contents in Rice Cultured Cells are Cooperatively Regulated by Sucrose and ABA
- Brassinosteroids Regulate Plasma Membrane Anion Channels in Addition to Proton Pumps During Expansion of Arabidopsis thaliana Cells
- Expression Profiling Identifies Genes Expressed Early During Lint Fibre Initiation in Cotton