Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists | 論文
- Point Mutation is Responsible for Arabidopsis tz-201 Mutant Phenotype Affecting Thiamin Biosynthesis
- Leaf Yellowing and Anthocyanin Accumulation are Two Genetically Independent Strategies in Response to Nitrogen Limitation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Why Abaxial Illumination Limits Photosynthetic Carbon Fixation in Spinach Leaves
- The enl Mutants Enhance the lrx1 Root Hair Mutant Phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Thermal and Chlorophyll-Fluorescence Imaging Distinguish Plant-Pathogen Interactions at an Early Stage
- Uptake of an Endocytic Marker by Rice Cells: Variations Related to Osmotic and Saline Stress
- Identification of a Gene Required for cis-to-trans Carotene Isomerization in Cartenogenesis of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
- A Systematic Search for RNA Editing Sites in Pea Chloroplasts : an Editing Event Causes Diversification from the Evolutionarily Conserved Amino Acid Sequence
- Functional Shine-Dalgarno-Like Sequences for Translational Initiation of Chloroplast mRNAs
- Turgor Pressure Regulation and the Orientation of Cortical Microtubules in Spirogyra Cells
- Distribution of Yieldin, a Regulatory Protein of the Cell Wall Yield Threshold, in Etiolated Cowpea Seedlings
- Physiological and Metabolic Adaptations of Potamogeton pectinatus L. Tubers Support Rapid Elongation of Stem Tissue in the Absence of Oxygen
- Regulation of Nitrate Reductase by Non-modifiable Derivatives of PII in the Cells of Synechococcus elongatus Strain PCC 7942
- Plant Cell Growth and Ion Flux Responses to the Streptomycete Phytotoxin Thaxtomin A : Calcium and Hydrogen Flux Patterns Revealed by the Non-invasive MIFE Technique
- Examination of the Cytoplasmic DNA in Male Reproductive Cells to Determine the Potential for Cytoplasmic Inheritance in 295 Angiosperm Species
- Epigenetic Inactivation of Chalcone Synthase-A Transgene Transcription in Petunia Leads to a Reversion of the Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing Phenotype
- Casparian Strips in Needles are More Solute Permeable than Endodermal Transport Barriers in Roots of Pinus bungeana
- HD-Zip III Homeobox Genes that Include a Novel Member, ZeHB-13 (Zinnia)/ATHB-15 (Arabidopsis), are Involved in Procambium and Xylem Cell Differentiation
- Nitric Oxide Inhibits Blue Light-Specific Stomatal Opening Via Abscisic Acid Signaling Pathways in Vicia Guard Cells
- Temporal Association of Ca^-Dependent Protein Kinase with Oil Bodies during Seed Development in Santalum album L. : Its Biochemical Characterization and Significance