Japanese Society of Internal Medicine | 論文
- Reginonal relationship between changes of electrical impedance and diameter of the thorax during ventilation
- Side Effects of Antibacterial Chemotherapeutics (Symposium on the Chemotherapy of the Bacterial Infection)
- Two Cases of Mycoplasmal Pneumonia with Cavity Formation
- Peritoneal Mesothelioma with Elevated Serum Ferritin and β2-microglobulin levels
- Psychosomatic aspects of asthmatic attack (Symposium on asthma)
- Molecular basis of morbidity (Symposium on genetics in clinical medicine)
- Molecular basis of morbility (Symposium on genetics clinical medicine)
- An autopsy case of primary acquired sideroblastic anemia with isochromosome 17 aberration
- Biopsy from a pathologist's view point(Symp)
- Effects of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone on Cerebellar Mutant Mice--A Kinesiological Comparison between Rolling Mouse Nagoya,Weaver and Reeler
- Exacerbation of Renal Dysfunction Following Contrast Media Study in Diabetic Patients
- A Case of Acute Interstitial Nephritis Induced by Herb Medicines
- Occurrence of monoclonal gammopathy in BALB/c mice (Symposium on chcmical and clinical studies on immunoglobulin)
- A Survived Case of Diabetes with Nonclostridial Gas Gangrene
- Recent advances in gastrophotography;Special gastrophotographic methods (Symposium on endoscopic findings of the early gastric cancer)
- Enteroglucagon with special reference to changes in concentration in the circulation (Gastrointestinal hormones )
- Respiratory Care(Panel Discussion)
- Two Cases of Portal-systemic Shunts Demonstrated by Portal Venography Performed by Operative Cannulation of Ileocolic Vein
- Serum 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol in Hemodialysed Patients
- A Case of Hypothalamic Hypothyroidism,Hypogonadism and Diabetes Insipidus Associated with Hypernatremia