Japanese Society of Allergology | 論文
- Economic Evaluation of an Asthma Therapy: Effect of Salmeterol on Loss of Labor Productivity in Japan
- Japanese Guideline for Atopic Dermatitis
- Reduction of Cedar Pollen Adhesion by Lecithin Polymer Coating
- Purification and characterization of M-177, a 177kDa allergen, from the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae.
- Regulatory T cells in oral and self-tolerance.
- Survey of fungal contamination in ordinary houses in Japan
- Acute Allergic Reaction due to Milk Proteins Contaminating Lactose Added to Corticosteroid for Injection
- Delay of Onset of Symptoms of Japanese Cedar Pollinosis by Treatment with a Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist
- Perioperative corticosteroids for intermittent and mild persistent asthma.
- Naringenin Chalcone Suppresses Allergic Asthma by Inhibiting the Type-2 Function of CD4 T Cells
- Current asthma deaths among adults in Japan
- Aerosol Characteristics of Admixture of Budesonide Inhalation Suspension with a Beta2-Agonist, Procaterol
- Sublingual Immunotherapy for Japanese Cedar Pollinosis
- Effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on secretions of human monokines.
- Effect of fexofenadine on the quality of life of Japanese cedar pollinosis patients
- Viral infection and asthma: Respiratory syncytial virus and wheezing illness
- A Histopathological Study of Pulmonary Hypertension in Connective Tissue Disease
- Markers for Step-Down of Inhaled Corticosteroid Therapy in Adult Asthmatics
- Evaluation of Efficacy and Sedative Profiles of H1 Antihistamines by Large-Scale Surveillance Using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
- A Case of Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome-Like Symptoms Following HHV-6 Encephalopathy