Japan Monkey Centre | 論文
- The Effects of Food Sources on Japanese Monkey Home Range Size and Location, and Population Dynamics
- Wild Gibbons' Parentage Tested by Non-invasive DNA Sampling and PCR-amplified Polymorphic Microsatellites
- Perception of shape-from-motion in macaque monkeys and humans
- Genetic Characterization of Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) on Tabuan Island, Indonesia
- A Matrilineal Overthrow with Destructive Aggression in Macaca fascicularis
- Intraspecific Variation in the Social Organization of Japanese Macaques : Past and Present Scope of Field Studies in Natural Habitats
- A Preliminary Study of Selective Visual Attention in Female Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei)
- Greeting Behavior During Party Encounters in Captive Chimpanzees
- Do Ringtailed Lemurs (Lemur catta) Reconcile in the Hour Post-conflict? : A Pilot Study
- Factors Affecting Feeding Decisions in a Group of Black Lemurs Confronted with Novel Food
- Tool-set for Termite-fishing and Honey Extraction by Wild Chimpanzees in the Lossi Forest, Congo
- Buttress Drumming by Wild Chimpanzees : Temporal Patterning, Phrase Integration into Loud Calls, and Preliminary Evidence for Individual Distinctiveness
- Infanticide in Chimpanzees : Review of Cases and a New Within-group Observation from the Kanyawara Study Group in Kibale National Park
- Growth and Reproductive Parameters of Bonnet Monkey (Macaca radiata)
- Normal Hematological and Plasma Biochemical Parameters of the Captive Bonnet Monkey (Macaca radiata)
- An Attempted Within-group Infanticide in Wild Chimpanzees
- Variations in Competitive Mechanisms of Captive Male Hamadryas-like Baboons in Two Feeding Situations
- The Response of Catarrhine Primates to Pleistocene Environmental Fluctuations in East Asia
- Flexibility in the Species-typical Songs of Gibbons
- Use of SSR Fragment Length Homozygotes for Orangutan Systematics