Japan Antibiotics Research Association | 論文
- Modification of the Macrolide Antibiotic Midecamycin-3-Formation of Neoisomidecamycin
- Oligostatins,New Antibiotics with Amylase Inhibitory Activity-2-Structures of Oligostatins C,D and E
- Studies on Actinomycetales Producing Antibiotics only on Agar Culture-2-Isolation,Structure and Biological Properties of N-Carbamoyl-D-Glucosamine(Substance SF-1993)
- New Antibiotic,Isohematinic Acid-1-Taxonomy of Producing Organism,Fermentation and Isolation
- Malioxamycin,a New Antibiotic with Spheroplast-Forming Activity-1-Producing Organism,Fermentation,Isolation and Characterization
- A New Route to the Synthesis of Cyclitol Derivatives
- Lonomycins B and C--Two New Components of Polyether Antibiotics--Fermentation,Isolation and Characterization
- Studies on the Ionophorous Antibiotics-27-The Structures of TM-531B(4′-O-Demethyldianemycin) and TM-531C(3′-Hydroxydianemycin),New Polyether Antibiotics Containing Sugars Other than 4-O-methyl Amicetose
- Peptimycin,product of streptomyces exhibiting apparent inhibition against Ehrlich carcinoma.
- The Structure of Ekatetrone,a Metabolite of Streptomyces Aureofaciens
- Chemistry of Bleomycin-25-Reductive Methylation of Bleomycin,a Chemical Proof for the Presence of the Free Secondary Amine in Bleomycin
- Studies on juvenimicin,a new antibiotic-2-Isolation,chemical characteization and structures
- A new antibiotic,baciphelacin(Communication to the editor)
- Isolation and characterization of mildiomycin,a new nucleoside antibiotic
- Cytological studies on the effect of neocarcinostatin on HeLa cell
- Cytological studies on the effect of neocarcinostatin on HeLa cells
- Ferensimycins A and B,Two Polyether Antibiotics Taxonomy,Fermentation,Isolation,Characterization and Structural Studies
- Antibiotic No.6016,a Polyether Antibiotic
- Studies on the action of antibiotics on bacterial metabolism,pt.4,5.
- Studies on the action of antibiotics on bacterial metabolism,pt.6,7.