- Experimental Study of Basin Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in Rokugo Alluvial Fan, Northern Japan
- Experimental Study of Infiltration by Pond Method in Rokugo-Alluvial Fan, Akita Prefecture
- A Statistical Method for Estimating the Spatial Distributions of Hydraulic Conductivity
- Proposal for the methods to characterize fossil seawater:- Distribution of anions, cations and stable isotopes, and estimation on the groundwater residence time by measuring 36Cl at the Taiheiyou Coal Mine -
- Drainage in Ikeshima Coal Mine
- Estimations of groundwater discharge and changes in fresh-salt water interface by measurement s of submarine groundwater discharge in the coastal zone
- Study of One-dimensional Three-Phase Model for Four Different NAPLs in Physical Properties
- Experimental Study of Two-dimensional Migration and Distribution of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid in Unsaturated and Saturated Porous Media
- Quality of the Groundwater in Toyooka Basin
- A Numerical Analysis of Groundwater Flow passing through a Borehole
- Analysis of groundwater flow in a fractured rock mass in Pahala Mattala area, Sri Lanka using Don-Chan, a three-dimensional channel network model
- On the Proposal of "Multi-Stage Pumping Test" to Solve the Groundwater Problems Ensued by Deep Underground Development
- The Groundwater Chemistry of the Matsumoto Tunnel and Surrounding Area
- Visit to Valuable water springs (65):Valuable waters in Tarim basin, Xinjiang, western part of China
- Groundwater Flow Characteristics in Fractured Rock on the Basis of Breakthrough Curve and Dispersivity
- Study on groundwater flow and chemical quality change during water circulation in hard rock body such as the Nohi rhyolitic and the Abukuma granodioritic rock body by water quality analysis, stable isotope and tritium analysis and gas analysis.
- Simulation of Production Behavior in the Water-Dissolved Gas Field
- Estimation of Two-Dimensional Distribution of Transmissivity by Kalman Filtering Theory
- A Case Study on Seepage Failure of Hauser Lake Dam
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