Hokkaido University = 北海道大学 | 論文
- The Catalytic Behaviors of Borontrifluoride Complex in the Alkylation of Benzene Homologues and in the Oligomerization of Propylene
- Experimental Study on the X-Ray Powder Diffraction Pattern of Fayalite
- Polymerization of Propylene with Combined Catalysts of Aluminum Chloride, Sodium Hydride and Titanium Trichloride
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Studies of the Interaction Between 7Li Ion and Nucleotides in Aqueous Solution
- An Aspect on Interfacial Characteristics of Carbonate Minerals in Water
- Optimal Power Change of a Reactor with Constrained State Space
- Stability of a Reactor with an External Control System
- Stability of a Nuclear Reactor in a Three Dimensional State Space
- On the Equations of Motion of the Automobile and the Steady-State Circular Turn
- Transfer of Elements between Molten Slag and a Falling Droplet of Carbon-saturated Iron
- Characteristics of a Stacked Rotating Bipolar Electrode Cell for Mass Transfer
- Electron Spin Resonance Study on Spin Exchange and Electron Transfer of Pyrazine Anion
- On the Flexural Deflection of a Moderately Thick Plate : Part I. Equation of Deflection of a Thick Plate
- On the Flexural Deflection of a Moderately Thick Plate : Part II. Solution of Equation for Deflection of the Plate
- Dynamic Behavior of Suspension Bridges under Moving Loads
- Some Considerations on the Performance of the Esaki-diode Oscillator
- A Traveling-wave Tube Coupled with Directional Coupler
- Pulsed Bremsstrahlung Spectrum Measurement using a Fast Scintillator
- Development of 3D Packing Simulator
- Production of Skid Testing Vehicle and Skidding Resistance of Variable Tread Patterns of Tires on Snow Covered Road Surface