Hokkaido University = 北海道大学 | 論文
- An Effective Temperature Scale Based on a Simple Model of Human Physiological Regulatiry Response
- Moisture Permeation of Clothing : A Factor Governing Thermal Equilibrium and Comfort
- Synthetic Studies of Heterocyclic Compounds III : Synthesis of Benz [d] indeno [1, 2-b] azepines
- Growth and Development of Perturbations on the Soil Surface due to the Repetition of Freezing and Thawing
- Microwave Amplification by Interaction between Electron Beam and Plasma
- The Impulse Response of a Kompfner Null Coupler
- Instantaneous Detection and Mechanical Behavior of Microcracking in Concrete
- Pseudo-Kossel line studies of lattice strain around deformation twin in bcc crystal
- Evaluation of Dairy Waste Treatability by Gel-Chromatography
- Comfort Chart : An Index for Evaluating Thermal Sensation
- Dynamical Singularities of Two-Layered Flow at the Outlet an Open Channel
- The Dynamic Fracture Properties of Rocks under Confining Pressure
- A Correction Procedure for Quantiative Electron Probe Microanalysis of Ternary Systems : Spiral Iteration
- New Formulae of the Generalized Sampling Theorem II : Formulae making use of the Sampled First and Higher Order Derivatives
- Generalized Sampling Theorem, Generalized Frequency, and Generalized Band-Limited Spectrum Function
- Dominant Zeros in Circuit Determinants
- Directional Characteristics and Forms of the Detector Surface in Optical Heterodyne Detection Processes
- Rippling of CEF-Type Electron Beams
- Extension of Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier Theory
- Frequency Pushing in O-Type Backward-Wave Oscillators