Heat Transfer Society of Japan | 論文
- 固体高分子型燃料電池用Nafion膜内の水・陽イオン輸送特性に関する分子動力学解析
- Enhancement of Bubble Departure and Critical Heat Flux in Saturated Pool Boiling under Microgravity Conditions
- New Experimental Results on Steady-State and Transient Pool Boiling Heat Transfer
- A Model For Hydrogen Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity Including The Critical Point
- A Model for Hydrogen Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity above 100 K
- New Wine in New Bottles;Unexpected Findings in Heat Transfer Part2.A Critical Examination of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Circular Annuli
- New Wine in New Bottles; Unexpected Findings in Heat Transfer(Part 5)The Applicability of Potential Flow in Predicting Heat and Mass Transfer
- Interpretation of Femtosecond Thermoreflectance Data in the Presence of Interband Transitions and Nonequilibrium Heating
- Measurements of Temperature and Concentration in Flames using 2.0-μm DFB Diode Laser Sensors
- Evaluation of New Composition of R407-Series for Air Conditioners
- Molecular Dynamics Study of Mass Diffusion
- Convective Heat Transfer from a Rotating Drum with Fin Array for the Permanent Magnet Type Eddy Current Retarder
- Molecular Dynamics Mechanism of Diffusion
- Review and Conceptual Feasibility Study of Refrigeration Systems Utilizing Natural Working Fluids
- Enhancement and Stability of Heat Transfer from a Superheated Surface by Mist Flow
- Scaling Law in Electronic Tunnelling Phenomena
- On Quantum Features of Scattering of a Diatomic Molecule from Nanoporous Surface
- Temperature Propagation in a Single Component Critical Fluid
- Interaction of H_2 molecule with nanoporous surface : Translational motion
- QMD Physics of Joule Heating of Nano-Wires and Nano-Thin-Films