Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo | 論文
- Existence globale pour les mod\grave{e}les discrets de l'\acute{e}quation de Boltzmann dans un tube mince infini en dimension 1 d'espace
- Shintani descent for exceptional groups over a finite field
- The theory of Radon transformations and 2-microlocalization (1) -Vanishing theorem for the sheaf of microfunctions with holomorphic parameters-
- Jacobi forms and a Maass relation for Eisenstein series
- Determination of some Frobenius types II(Dedicated to Prof. Shokichi Iyanaga on his 60th birthday)
- On the bounding genus of homology $3$-spheres
- On the separation principle of stochastic control
- Primitive forms for a universal unfolding of a function with an isolated critical point
- Smooth normed spaces of $(BD)$-type
- On the existence of weak solutions of a nonlinear mixed problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in a time dependent domain
- Critical exponent of blowup for semilinear heat equation on a product domain
- Sur les transformations horospheriques generalisees dans les espaces homogenes
- Intersection forms of $4$-manifolds with a homology $3$-sphere boundary
- On the second cohomology groups(Schur-multipliers) of finite reflection groups
- On unirationality of threefolds which contain toric surfaces with ample normal bundles
- Laplace transforms of hyperfunctions -A new foundation of the Heaviside calculus-
- Ultradistributions, III. Vector valued ultradistributions and the theory of kernels
- Boundary value problems for systems of linear partial differential equations and propagation of microanalyticity
- Bifurcation and stability of stationary solutions of nonlinear evolution equations
- Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and knot complement