Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University | 論文
- Transplantation of the pituitary gland for treatment of alopecia
- An experimental study of the carcinogenicity of the foodstuff processed at high temperatures.
- Studies on N-tosyl-L-lysine peptides.
- A study of the influence of estrogen on radiosensitivity of patients with cervical cancer;its clinical and histological aspects.
- Effect of naphthiomate-N and naphthiomate-T on trichophytosis.
- Polarographic study on the excretion of urinary calcium in patients.
- Clinical and experimental studies on the metabolism of transferrin,1〜3.
- Atypical cells in the circulating blood of the patients with malignant tumors.
- Studies on the effect of Co60-teletherapy on the adrenocortical function in patients with cervical cancer,with special reference to the aspects of urinary 17-ketosteroids pattern.
- The action of plasmin on synthetic amides and insulin.
- Studies on the effect of Co60-teletherapy on the adrenocortical function in patients with cervical cancer,vith special reference to the aspects of urinary 17-ketosteroids pattern.
- Biochemical Studies on the liver catalase depressing factor of toxohormone.
- Uber die Ausscheidung von 17-Ketosteroidkonjugate im Harn bei gesunden Frauen.
- The postural influence on lung volumes of normal and obese subjects.
- Purification of myoglobin.
- A psychosomatic study of contagious dermatitis.
- The relation between geographical variation of healthiness and the main causes of death,1.
- Studies on liver tryptophan pyrrolase of tumor bearing rats.
- Technique of substitute stomach formation after total gastrectomy
- The fine structure of the pecten studied with the electron microscope,1.