Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science University of Tokyo | 論文
- Formal groups and L functions
- On the Pontrjagin square and the signature
- On trace of Hecke operators for discontinuous groups operating on the product of the upper half planes
- On a class of deformations of holomorphic functions
- Some remarks on the Kirby-Siebenmann class
- Tolopogy of $C^n$ minus a finite number of affine hyperplanes in general position
- Some complex structures on the product of spheres
- A coincidence theorem for involutions on mod 2 homology spheres
- Classification of embeddings of a non-orientable manifold
- On maximal p-local subgroups of $S_n$ and $A_n$
- On p-strongly embedded subgroups of $A_n$ and $PSL(n,q)$
- On the number of moduli of certain algebraic surfaces of general type
- On the structure of polarized varieties with $\Delta$-genera zero
- The conjugacy classes of Chevalley groups of type $(F_4)$ over finite fields of characteristic $p\ne 2$
- On primitive permutation groups of degree $2p=4q+2$ , p and q being prime numbers
- Topological t-regularity and Rohlin's theorem
- On the trace formula for Hecke operators
- Characterization of families of finite permutation groups by the subdegrees. I
- On finite Moore graphs
- Maximal subgroups of low rank of finite symmetric and alternating groups