Center for Adult Diseases | 論文
- Isolation of growth-promoting substance(S)from chick embryo extracts.
- Electrophoretic analysis of a crude oncotrephin preparation from a human hepatoma.
- The prognosis of cardiac hypertrophy.
- Studies on the third components of the complements of human and guinea pig sera.
- Ballistocardiographic studies on experimental coronary insufficiency.
- Studies on the anti-tumor effect of fluorescent dye,NTS.
- Experimental studies on a new fluorescent dye,"NTS",which has some affinity for malignant cells;application for cytologic diagnosis.
- Abnormal T loop in vectorcardiogram.
- Studies on the protective effect of estradiol aginst digitalis intoxication.
- Studies on the protective effect of estradiol against digitalis intoxication.
- Amino acid transport system in small intestine of small animals.
- Further studies on cytolysis of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells brought into contact with normal human serum.The nature of the heat-labile factor.
- Experimental studies on a new fluorescent dye,"NTS",which has some affinity for malignant cells;affinity for living malignant tumor cells.
- TV-brushing method for the diagnosis of early cancer of the lung;preliminary report.
- The movement of acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia cells,especially promyelocytes and myelocytes.
- Anemia in the aged;serum VB12 levels in in the aged.
- The phagocytosis of leukocytes.
- Anemia in the aged;serum VB12 levels in the aged.
- Electron microscopic studies on the peroxidase reaction of human leucocytes.
- Evaluation of mass examination for gastric cancer.