- An integrated web resource for crystallography
- BrainBank Metadata Specification for the Human Brain Project and Neuroinformatics
- Detecting Family Resemblance: Automated Genre Classification
- Definition of a web ontology for design-oriented material selection
- The Development of a Community-Based Information System to Empower Indonesia e-Government Implementation: A Case Study of www.nagari.org
- New welding information system on the internet (Prediction of the properties of weld heat-affected zones)
- Appraising digital records for long-term preservation
- Data-centric view in e-Science information systems
- Extracting Feature Information and its Visualization Based on the Characteristic Defect Octave Frequencies in a Rolling Element Bearing
- Evaluating Learning Algorithms to Support Human RuleEvaluation Based on Objective Rule Evaluation Indices
- A Perspective on Materials Databases
- Study and Application of Grey Entropy Weight Decision Making in Risk Management
- An Integrative Database System of Agro-Ecology for the Black Soil Region of China
- Modeling Hydrates and the Gas Hydrate Markup Language
- Interactive Experimentation and Modeling for Phase Equilibrium
- 3D Visualization and Virtual Exploration of Genomic Sequences
- Development of a knowledge based system linked to a materials database
- Building supply chain communication systems: a review of methods and techniques
- Application of Information Technologies on Astronomy: Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Portal
- A Customizable Text Classifier for Text Mining