Blackwell publishing | 論文
- Fulminant hepatitis after allogenic bone marrow transplantation caused by reactivation of hepatitis B virus with gene mutations in the core promotor region
- Hepatitis B virus core and core-related antigen quantitation in Chinese patients with chronic genotype B and C hepatitis B virus infection
- 抗ウイルス薬耐性HBV--命名法と測定方法の標準化および管理法に関する勧告
- Relationship between eyed-egg percentage and levels of cortisol and thyroid hormone in masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou
- Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: a rare cause of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- Establishing the cut-off point for the Oppositional Defiant Behavior Inventory
- Effects of bronchodilators on dynamic hyperinflation following hyperventilation in patients with COPD
- Quasi-static thermoelastic deformation in an elastic half-space: theory and application to InSAR observations at Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan
- Inheritance of the concentration of water-soluble carbohydrates and its relationship with the concentrations of fibre and crude protein in herbage of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.)
- Measurement of hepatitis B virus core-related antigen is valuable for identifying patients who are at low risk of lamivudine resistance
- Endobronchial argon plasma coagulation for the management of post-intubation tracheal stenosis
- Modulation of mucus production by interleukin-13 receptor alpha(2) in the human airway epithelium
- The major and minor wall teichoic acids prevent the sidewall localization of vegetative DL-endopeptidase LytF in Bacillus subtilis
- Age-specific antibody to hepatitis E virus has remained constant during the past 20 years in Japan
- Anti-Helicobacter pylori seropositivity: influence on severity and treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- 成人の頭蓋内動脈解離における抗凝固療法の予後と安全性
- Insulin resistance and hepatitis C virus: a case-control study of non-obese, non-alcoholic and non-steatotic hepatitis virus carriers with persistently normal serum aminotransferase
- 日本人の高齢高血圧患者では,無症候性脳梗塞に加えて低グレードの炎症が脳卒中イベント発生の危険因子である(自治医科大学 ABPM研究 Wave 1)
- Detection of thyroid hormone receptors in the olfactory system and brain of wild masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou (Brevoort), during smolting by in vitro autoradiography
- Polyphosphate has a central role in the rapid and massive accumulation of phosphorus in extraradical mycelium of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus