Automatic Control Laboratory, Nagoya University | 論文
- Chaotic behavior of a nonlinear feedback control system
- Finite spectrum assignment problem for systems with delay in state variables
- Robust synthesis of linear servomechanisms
- On equivalence of optimal control systems
- A method to find stable region of nonlinear system
- Optimization problem with partly specified characteristics of resulting system
- A formulation of human decision-making process Decision based on memory and inference
- On-line partial realizations of a discrete-time non-linear black box by linear representation systems
- Time-optimal control in Hilbert space
- Controllability and observability of Banach space system
- A process-model control for linear systems with delay
- Optimal control of lateral vibration of beam
- The Geometry of the Set of Controllable Linear Systems
- Unified Evaluation Method of Combining Student′s Self-evaluation and Objective Evaluation
- A Study of Fuzzy Distortion Process of Concept Communication-and-Formation
- Learning Process and Nonlinear Behavior of Human Operators in Stabilizing Unstable Systems
- Forced and Self-paced Preview Manual Tracking
- A model for precognitive control behavior of human operator in manual control systems
- Design of deadbeat controller using output feedback
- Fuzzy-theoretical approaches to forgetting process and inference