Association of Urban Housing Sciences | 論文
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- Relationship between Consumption Society and the Selection of Houses and Interior Element
- A study on the housing planning in the aged society of Taiwan:On the consciousness of family and living, and the actual living condition between the relatives
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- A Study on Recent Trends of Working couples' Dwelling and life Style with Infants:in the case of sharing hosework
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- Toword Comfortable Housing
- Housing Maintenanse & Durability
- Proposals for urban housing
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- A Study of the Stmcture of Rental Housing Market
- An Analysis of Multi-generational Family Housing from the Vewpoint of Generational Conflicts and Their Resolutions by Japanese Literary Works
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- Study on the Realities of Area Management Led by Private Associations:Cases in Yukarigaoka District and Usui District, Sakura City