Association of Urban Housing Sciences | 論文
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- Environmental Influences on Urban Blocks Caused by Mid-to-high Rise Condominiums in the Central Districts of Kyoto City
- On the Owner-Occupied Sector in France:A Review of the Housing Policy in the 80's
- A Study on Policy and Practice for Densely Built-up Area Imporvement
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- A Study on the Formulation of Compound Built-up Area by Large-scale Land Use Conversion:Cases of Built-up Comprehensive Maintenance Project and Redevelopment District Plan
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- A Study on combined building for owner use and apartment house in urban area:Combined building for owner use and apartment house from the perspective of near-by residents
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- A Study on Factors of the Demand for Private-Room from a Viewpoint of the Experience of Living
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- A Study on the System for Skeleton Rental Housing Using the Leasehold
- Gaming Simulation of Self-Coordinated Redevelopment
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- On Rebuilding of Non-conformed Condominium Apartments using Reconstruction from Earthquake Disaster-type of Design with Comprehensive Consideration System