Anatomisches Institut der Keio Universitat | 論文
- Taste Areas of the Oral Cavity Base of the Rat and Mouse,with Special Reference to the Taste-bud Papillae on the Caruncula Sublingualis
- Allometric Study of the Postnatal Development of the Rat Sublingual Glands
- Nigral Projections to the Inferior and the Superior Colliculus in the Rat:A Horseradish Peroxidase Study
- A Three Dimensional Analysis of the Capitellum and Striated Columns in the Sperm Neck Region of the Mouse
- New Embedding Method Employing GMA and Quetol 523 for Light and Electron Microscopic Observations of Semi-thin Sections
- The Epitelial Papillae of the Mouse Buccal Mucosa
- Morphological Studies of the Union of the Frontal Bone:Blood Vessels in the Non-obliterated Frontal Suture
- The significance of surface structures of the epidermis from the buttocks callosity of the cynomolgous macaque
- Crystalloid Substance and Closed Haversian Canals in the Compact Bone Tissue of Human Bone
- Spatial Distribution and Arrangement of Mouse Fungiform Papillae(Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on the Oral Mucosa 4)
- Morphology of the Tongue Muscles of the Mouse with Special Reference to the Genioglossus Muscle
- Development and Growth of the Tooth Germs of Rats
- The histopathology of a case of hydranencephaly in a 30 week old human fetus
- I-Beitrag zum Studium des Cervicalen Lymphatischen Systems bei Neugeborenen Ratten (Rattus nervegicus)
- Perinuclear Cisternae of Antibody-Forming Cells--An Immunocytochemical Study
- Spatial Aspect of the Mouse Orbital Venous Sinus
- The Spatial Aspect and Fine Structure of the Orbital Muscle of the Mouse
- Some Observations on the Fine Structure of Lamprey Liver as Revealed by Electron Microscopy
- Fibroarchitectonic relationships between the tectospinal and tecto-olivary tracts--An experimental anatomical study in the cat
- Visual relay system of midbrain tectum with special reference to tecto-parabigeminal and tecto-pontine tracts