高次元科学会 | 論文
- Topological defects in hyperspace
- Die Formensprache der Natur als Gegenstand der Mathematik
- Transmitting M.C.Escher′s Symmetries:A Conversation with Doris Schattschneider
- The Use of Realistic Imagery to Represent the Relationships in a Four-Dimensional Co-ordinate System
- Double-Layered Equation of Motion: Platonic-Archimedean Sherical Cellular Automata in the Solution of the Indirect Von-Neumann Problem on Sphere for Transformations of Regular Tessellation
- Coordinates for the Regular Complex Polygons
- Hyperspace,Hyperseeing,and Hypersculpture
- Patent:The Logic Alphabet(2)
- HyperSpaceStations
- Pinhole Structures
- The Use of Realistic Imagery to Represent The Relationships in a Four-Dimensional Co-ordinate System
- The Square, the Circle and the Golden Proportion, A Net Class of Geometrical Constructions
- Hyper-Graphs
- Creating Phyllotaxis from Seed to Flower
- Toward 4-dimensional Fullerenes
- Toward 4-dimensional Fullerenes
- n次元立方体の3次元空間への重複なしの直投影--正12面体の頂点座標による直交行列を用いた場合
- 4次元空間への直投影を利用した60次元立方体の表示
- 120胞体の外形(胞心、辺心、面心、点心)
- On Projection Transformations in Three and Higher Dimensions