関西学院大学大学院言語コミュニケーション文化学会 | 論文
- Error analysis in learning English grammatical concord
- 現代英語の変化を見る視点(序説)「効果的な意思伝達」と「労力節減」
- Team Teaching in English Activities at Japanese Elementary Schools
- 対の不協和音から人間が感得するもの--ルネ・マグリットの作品を題材に
- Japanese High School Student's Intercultural Experience--The Development of a Course Design and a Studying Abroad Program
- A study of temporal adverbials of duration and continuative perfect from contrastive perspective
- The present perfect and adverbials of definite past
- Foreign language anxiety: a case study of Japanese EFL students
- The Effectiveness of Nonverbal Communication in Formal Speech--A Case Study of Toastmasters Club Speeches
- The functional classification and expansion of similar phraseological units: interrogatives with how come…? and why…?
- Phonological processing and comprehension: an experiment for Japanese EFL learners
- 自動詞による間接受身文について--先行説の批判を中心に
- 講演 脳と心理、そして言葉