開拓社 | 論文
- Consonant-vowel unity in Element Theory
- On Larynged Markedness in English (Part4--主催・共催講演会)
- Typology of OCP on Features (Lectures:於音韻論フォーラム)
- Interaction of OCP, Segmental and Featural Faithfulness Constraints in Basque (Part2--音韻論フォーラム 1997(1997年9月4-6日於・神戸大学))
- Sanskrit Linguistic Tradition and Current Theories Underlying the Japanese Syllabaly (日本音韻論学会春季研究発表会(1998年6月19日於青山学院大学))
- Stratum Specific Phonological Phenomena in Japanese:An Analysis Based on Correspondence Theory (Part1--音韻論研究会春季研究発表会(1997年5月23日於・東北学院大学))
- A temporal study of English syllables as produced by the Japanese
- Multiple Nonconcatenative Allomorphs (音韻論フォーラム1999(1999年9月2〜4日於東京都立大学))
- Subtractive Morphology in Hessian German
- Overapplication via Self-Conjunction
- Phonological Derivedness in Yamato-Japanese Voicing Phonology
- Root Fusion in Sino-Japanese (Part2--音韻論フォーラム 1997(1997年9月4-6日於・神戸大学))
- Surface Optionality from Underlying Optionality
- Morphological Opacity and Chaha Impersonals
- 複合名詞句構造に関する一考察
- The accentual phrase in Seoul Korean: a reconsideration through acoustic analysis
- Two Types of Relativized Faithfulness
- 村木正武・斎藤興雄著「現代の英文法第2巻 意味論」
- The Factorial Typology of Rhythmic Licensing Constraints
- 等位接続構造と代名詞化変形