長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
- Brief Description of the Most Frequently Occurring Tropical Disease in Latin America
- Situation of Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever and Japanese Encephalitis in the Western Pacific Region
- The Contribution to the Emerging/Re-Emerging Diseases in Asia
- The Monomeric and Oligomeric Forms of Hemolysin Purified from Vibrio cholerae O1, Biotype El Tor
- Selective Induction of Fimbriate Vibrio cholerae O1
- Arbovirus Infections in Pilot Areas in Laos
- Molecular Heterogeneity of Human Group A Rotavirus in Rural Bangladesh as Determined by Electrophoresis of Genomic Ribonucleic Acid
- Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Japan
- 新生仔マウスの脳および筋由来細胞存在下でのブルセイ亜種トリパノソーマ原虫の培養
- Induction of Experimental Protoporphyria in Hairless Mice by Griseofulvin
- 肝実質内に多房性嚢胞を形成した肝蛭症の一例,その寄生虫学的・免疫学的検討
- マウスのコレラ菌経口感染実験に対する腸内大腸菌叢の影響
- 巨大な皮膚外発育を示したcystosarcoma phyllodesの1例〔英文〕
- Biology of Dengue Vectors and Their Control in Thailand
- 南米における日本人移住地の環境条件と移住者の身体状況
- Two New Intertidal Flies from Malaya (Diptera: Canaceidae)
- Dirofilaria immitisミクロフィラリア感染マウスに於けるDiethylcarbamazine投与時のIHA titerの変動
- ビルハルツ住血吸虫卵の孵化に関する二,三の観察
- The Effect of Kanamycin., Neomycin and Gentamicin on Elongation Steps in Escherichia coli Cell-Free System
- Malignant Mesodermal Mixed Tumor of the Bladder : A Case Report