金沢大学教養部 | 論文
- ロベルト・ムージルについてのひとつの試み--「結びつき」における新らしい体験
- 能登半島に分布する石灰質砂岩層の地質時代
- Group Theoretical Approach to Molecular and Solid State Physics-2-Space Group of Minerals determined by X-Ray Crystallographic Data and Selection Rules for Electromagnetic Transitions
- Particle Physics in Broken Higher Symmetry
- Group Theoretical Approach to Molecular and Solid State Physics-1-Electromagnetic Transition
- A Few Comments on Photon-Hadron Interactions
- Properties of Elementary Particles in Broken Sub-SU3 Symmetry for Higher Symmetries and Quark-Line Rule
- Quark Sea and String-Like Non-Abelian Gauge-Field Contribution to Hadronic States,Particle Interactions for Sub-SU3 in SU4,Ideal 16-plet Mixing and Quark-Line Rule
- Programing by Micro Calculator for Beginners--Educational Material
- Molecular Charmonium and New Approach to Hypernuclei--Educational Material for HP-41C Calculator
- Orbital Excitation in Modified Yukawa Potential
- Examples for Programming based on BASIC Language--Educational Material for NEC PC-8001 Calculator
- Programming of Scientific Problems in Basic Language--Educational Material
- Collective Motions in Nature
- 日本の大学における教育の欠陥--20世紀におけるよい科学教育(英文)
- 分散関係の温度保存性〔英文〕
- 細胞のリピッド分子と火山鉱物中の分子〔英文〕
- On the Absolute Continuity of the Transition Probabilities of Cauchy Processes with Drift
- On an extension of Ito′s formula and its application
- Smooth and monotonic approximation to potentials and Ito′s formula for diffusion processes on Rd