野辺山宇宙電波観測所 | 論文
- Design of the Focal Plane Array Receiver for the NRO 45-m Telescope
- Design Procedure of a Dual-reflector Offset Cassegrain Antenna for the Portable Submillimeter Telescope(POST)
- A W-Band SIS Mixer Employing PCTJ(Parallel-Connected Twin Junctions)
- A Reflector-type Polarimeter for Millimeter-wave Band
- A Waveguide-to-Microstrip Transition with a DC/IF Return Path and an Offset Probe
- Thermal Effects on the Pointing of the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope
- Correlation Between Opacity and Surface Water Vapor Pressure Measurements at Rio Frio
- BEARS--SIS 25-BEam Array Receiver System for the NRO 45-m Telescope
- Digital Spectrometers for the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope
- Development of a 500-GHz Band SIS Mixer
- Analysis of The Bandwidth Performance of SIS Mixers with Distributed Junction Arrays
- Experimental Results of SIS Mixers with Distributed Junction Arrays
- 40-50GHz Array Receiver with Tunerless SIS Mixers
- An Imaging Algorithm Using the Bispectrum in Radio Interferometry
- 天文観測用大型電波干渉計の素子配列