追手門学院大学英語文化学会 | 論文
- クリスティーナ・ロセッティと母フランシス
- エミリ・ブロンテの自然観--詩を中心として
- Practical Suggestions for Using Videos in the EFL Classroom
- ホガースの芸術--『この結婚生活ナウいじゃん(Marriage A-la-Mode)』の天国と地獄
- Phonetics and Phonology:Implications for the Classroom
- Classroom Events and Techniques
- The Future in English--how is it expressed?
- Timely intervention for student success
- It might not be broken, but I still need the "quick fix": a look at student use of mechanical translation
- Independent grammatical study: a look into the performance and motivation of 1st year English majors
- You can lead a horse to water, but... Can you make him "think"?
- Independent grammatical study: a look into the performance and motivation of 2nd year English majors
- Beyond the"Wild Humorist of the Pacific Slope:"--Mark Twain's The Innocents Abroad and Victorian America
- Have+目的語+過去分詞構文における二義性について--使役と経験